Student Clubs & Organizations

Clubs and Organizations Purpose

The purpose of school clubs is to give students an opportunity to join a group and to pursue certain interests in a non-classroom setting. Eligibility is checked each week for students who participate in activities that have specific GPA or attendance requirements.

Parents and guardians may notify the District that they are withholding permission for their student to join or participate in one or more extracurricular clubs or organizations sponsored, directed or controlled by the District. However, parents and guardians may not withhold permission for student participation in clubs and organizations that are necessary for a required course of instruction. Parents and guardians are solely responsible for preventing their student from participating in a club or organization for which they have withheld permission, but they are also solely responsible for retrieving their student from attendance at a club or organization for which permission has been withheld.

The following clubs and organizations are available at Ponca city Senior High:

Extracurricular Clubs and Organizations

Curricular Clubs and Organizations