Ann Neilson

October marks the celebration of a special group of leaders in our community … our school principals. These dedicated individuals play a pivotal role in shaping our students’ futures and the trajectory of our education system.

This month-long celebration is an opportunity to recognize and thank our principals for their unwavering dedication, exceptional leadership, and remarkable impact on student success.

Thank you Ann Neilson, Trout Elementary Principal!!

  • How long have you been a principal? Five quarters! 2 ½ semesters. One year.


  • What motivates you? Coffee and dessert! Truly, it is helping our school community find joy while achieving their learning goals. 


  • What is your favorite thing about being a principal? Recess. Teachers. Small group teaching (I get to work with a group of third graders and a group of fifth graders this year!). Luncheons.  I really enjoyed my first year as a Trout Wildcat!