Kindness is Contagious

EMS is starting a Kindness Counts program. We kicked it off with a Celebration Station survey last week where "Kindness Counts" received the highest student vote to the question, "What student action goes least celebrated?" We had an assembly this morning about positive comments and positive self-image. The assembly was highlighted by a blindfolded coin toss game & a short excerpt of the Nic Vujicic video from 60 minutes. Our teachers are sharing a Kindness Counts google form through our HomeBase where each student can share a kind statement about someone else in the building. I'm excited to see what our student response can be...Kindness is Contagious!!!

 Pictured are our brave Student Council volunteers. STUCO will be assisting in sharing the notes of kindness throughout our school.

 All-Stars: Ty Otto & Maritza Macias

Champions: Taelyn Montague & Ayson Wilcox

Titans - Ira Bustos & Madelyn Love