Junior Student Schedule Pick Up


                                                                         Junior Student Schedule Pick Up 

Who: Juniors 

What: Students will pick up their 2023-2024 student IDs and class schedules, pick their first come, first-served parking spots, and purchase their parking stickers 

When: August 11th, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 & 12:00-3:00 

Where: JUNIORS ONLY (and seniors who missed their schedule pickup day) may enter  through the student lot entrance and report to the Assembly Center 

How: processes/requirements below: 

          • Students must have completed registration 

                    o For more information on how to register, follow the link provided: 

                              ▪ https://www.pcps.us/page/regis... 

          • Fill out the parking application form prior to August 11th, 2023. 

                    Link Below: 


          • To purchase a parking sticker, students must bring the following: 

                    o Driver’s License 

                    o Vehicle Tag Number 

                    o Proof of Insurance 

          • How to purchase the parking sticker: 

                    o The junior student(s) must be present if a parent or guardian is purchasing the  parking sticker. 

                    o School personnel will apply the sticker to the windshield and the vehicle must be  present. 

                    o Cash or check will only be accepted through Ponca City High School’s business  office. 

***Juniors who cannot attend on their scheduled pick-up day may report to the assembly  center on August 14th, from 9:00 A.M to 11:00 A.M or 12:00 P.M to 3:00 P.M., to complete  the tasks. Again, parking spots will be on a first-come, first-served basis.*** 

For questions, please contact Ponca City High School’s front desk at (580)767-9500