New Fox Painted

High School Student Paints New Fox

Ava O’Neill, a student at Ponca City High School, just finished painting a new fox located at the corner of Overbrook and Fifth Street. Her parents, John and Mary O’Neill, purchased the fox and had Ava paint it to reflect each of the clubs and student groups at Ponca City High School.

Ava said painting the fox, which was done by hand, took her roughly eight months. “I was still in school part of the time so it took me eight months of working on it off and on. I even worked on it in the warehouse without air conditioning during the summer.”

“She was really stressing a lot about the details of it,” said John.

“I was but just got out there and finished it,” Ava said.

Ava also completely started over again on the face details. “I just wasn’t happy with the way it turned out in the beginning so I went back and started over.”

The new fox was unveiled on Tuesday afternoon. In addition to her parents, four Ponca City Board of Education members, Po-Hi Principal Shane Dent and PCPS Superintendent Adam Leaming attended the unveiling.

Pictured, from left, are: Judy Throop, Robin Riley, Anna Roland, Shane Dent, Don Nuzum, Adam Leaming, John O’Neill, Mary O’Neill and Ava O’Neill. Great job, Ava!! #weareproudofyou